Homebuyer Education Workshops
Each year HRI educates more than 1500 first-time homebuyers by hosting more than 63 workshops in Milwaukee, Racine and Waukesha Counties. Take advantage of an opportunity to support our group education by sponsoring one of these workshops. Your sponsorship will provide direct programming support while allowing you to reach the communities we serve.
NeighborWorks Week
During NeighborWorks Week (June annually), Housing Resources, Inc. and other NeighborWorks organizations across the country mobilize tens of thousands of residents, business people and government officials in a week of neighborhood change and awareness, including painting and landscaping properties, recognizing successful partnerships and hosting a number of events that educate, train and inform.
For more information about these sponsorships, contact Katrina Weinberg at 414.461.6330 or email her at Katrina_Weinberg@hri-wi.org.